How was it?

Last Thursday, JR and I had a great time at U2's second Denver show. It was amazing on so many levels. Many people have come up to me since and said, "So how was the show?" Seriously folks, that's a dumb question... How was the show? How was the show? The show set the bar for all other shows ever. U2 knows how to do things well. From the song transitions to the visual effects. Perhaps, their greatest acheivement has been putting out songs everyone knows well and was singing throughout the show.

Some of the personal highlights for me were the the setlist. I was very excited to hear Gloria and Bad, two songs they have just been adding to their setlists recently. Bad live was awesome. Where The Streets Have No Name was really powerful; they scrolled country flags across the screens throughout. During One Bono had the audience get out the "lighters of our generation" It was amazing to look across a see thousands of blue cell phone lights. The boys came out for two encores and finished with 40. I was exhausted at the end of the night and am just starting to get my hearing back. If you ever get a chance to goto a U2 show, go for it. They won't disappoint!
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