Thoughts on Choosing the New Leader of Pierced
As Pierced Chapel says goodbye to our leaders, JR and Megan, and begins to seek the face of the Lord about the future, there are several things our community must remember. If we refuse, Pierced is in grave danger of slipping into many different temptations, dissolve or, worst of all, fall away from God.
1. Pierced must continue to grow into a holy fellowship of believers. This point cannot be emphasized enough. Holiness is God's command and sovereign will for the body of Christ. If we do not care deeply about using the power available through the Holy Spirit to kill public and secret sins everyday, we will be as far from the will of God as possible; greatly offend the Holy Spirit and cover up the glory of God in our midst.
2. Pierced must be increasingly committed to praying for God's purposes. If we neglect regular prayer, we show ourselves to be absolutely foolish in neglecting our most powerful resource, the power of God. It is not merely wrong to ignore this duty; it is incredibly stupid and ignorant.
3. Pierced must see increased needs and opportunities to serve as a blessing, not a curse. Remembering that only things done for God will last eternally, we must labor to serve God more diligently. More opportunities to serve the community at Pierced are a great blessing. More people can get involved and store up for themselves an eternal reward that outshines the sun.
4. Pierced must seek out and follow a new leader who is, above all other qualifications, a Godly follower of Jesus Christ. Our next leader will only be able to lead Pierced with his gifts of leadership and teaching to the extent that he is Godly. This goes for all leadership at Pierced and anywhere. God will bless Pierced Chapel in direct proportion to the Godliness of our leadership. This is a Biblical theme throughout the Word of God and is certainly true for us now.
5. Pierced must find an individual who is keenly able to listen to the Lord through the various means He speaks. Our next shepherd must hold Pierced with open hands, sensitive to the Lord's leadings and proddings. Such a leader will be incredibly trustworthy and used by God in our midst.
LORD, help us be intentional about growing during this time! Send us the leader you have chosen. When we are tempted to look at his appearance, show us his heart. When we consider the entertainment of his teaching, show us the anointing of your Spirit. When we are tempted to compare him to JR, show us Your grace is enough. When we are tempted to leave and shop for another place, show us that you have called us here and to leave for selfish reasons is sin. We trust you and turn this process over to You! AMEN