If you're ever borrowing one of my books and you see "GQ" scribbled in the margins, you've come across what I consider to be a "great quote." I love great quotes, because they prod my soul to live longer, find true love, and just downright be a better man. A good quote, should kick you right between the eyes. Then, when you've fallen down crying in pain, it kicks you again. And all for your own good!!
Here are a few from the last several weeks:
"God abhors godly speech which is not joined with a godly life."
~William Perkins*
"Whoever conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy. Blessed is the one who fears the LORD always."
~God (Proverbs 28:13,14a)
"A good conscience is a tender conscience. The conscience of the godless my be so calloused that they scarcely ever act at all; but the healthy Christian conscience (said the Puritans) is constantly in operation, listening for God's voice in his word, seeking to discern his will in everything, active in self-watch and self-judgment."
~J.I. Packer**
[In response to the question, "Do we still need the Puritans today?"]
"The answer, in one word, is maturity. Maturity is a compound of wisdom, goodwill, resilience, and creativity. The Puritans exemplified maturity; we don't. We are spiritual dwarfs. A much-travelled leader, a native American (be it said), has declared that he finds North American Protestantism, man-centered, manipulative, success-oriented, self-indulgent and sentimental, as it blatantly is, to be 3,000 miles wide and half an inch deep.
~J.I. Packer**
*Puritan Genius of the Faith
**Genius of the Faith who just happens to love reading the Puritans :)